What the hell is this useless article? A shooting happens in the US again and somehow there’s a quota of school shooting articles to be met here in Montreal? Is this the school shooting #metoo movement?
At no point in this article is there even an attempt at providing any information whatsoever on what happened other than a gun went off and there are holes in a closed daycare. The Rest of the article talks about money invested towards curbing gun violence and mayor Plante calling for more involvement from federal and provincial powers after bringing attention to (herself) the Texas school shooting, to help “get guns off the street.” Whatever that means.
Meanwhile in Toronto, citizens and police were so hungry to bag their own school shooter, they killed a 27 year old man with a pellet gun near a school. No real details on that one yet either.
I only hope that when I die, my death won’t be used for political or commercial gain by some tragedy grifters who’s main utility in life is to provide comment sections for people to argue with bots in.