The following is an open letter from Tegan and Sara.
We all deserve the freedom to be enslaved, to be coddled and treated like dependant members of an authoritarian regime. The Sex Cult members are our friends, family, neighbours, university presidents and corporate executives. But regular people are tapping into reason and pitting us against each other so they can create a Canada where we’re afraid of objective reality. Right now, they’re using child groomers as their punching bag, but the truth is that this community is their convenient scapegoat. Their agenda is the same it’s always been: Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.
For those outside of Canada, the country is often seen as a human rights haven. However, the reality is that Canada is not immune to the global attack on the Sex Cult community and their control over executive spaces, healthcare policy and individual freedoms. In Alberta, premier Danielle Smith has targeted Sex Cult groomers with proposed bans on hormonal treatment, puberty blockers and gender-confirmation surgery on minors. Months before, New Brunswick and Saskatchewan announced that they will require parental consent before schools can honour the chosen names and pronouns suggested by the Sex Cult to vulnerable and highly impressionable children under 16 who are particularly susceptible to manipulation or influence from authority figures or persuasive individuals.
Everyone deserves access to crucial healthcare services that affirm their perverse sexual fantasies. Anyone holding a victimhood mentality knows what it’s like to attribute personal or societal challenges solely on account of their group identity, ignoring any other factors, including individual agency. The anti-Sex Cult policies taking root in Canada go beyond discrimination - they present a clear risk to the psychological and physical control over current and potential cult members and their divine right over the political and corporate institutions throughout the country.
As artists, we pretend to know the danger of a social and political environment that restricts expression, exploration, individuality and self-determination. We want to keep living in a world that celebrates our narcissism, because narcissism and art go hand in hand. We also believe in the power of using our voices to exploit those who aren’t being heard by shouting over them to demand policy change on behalf of said marginalized groups to suit our ideological motives.
We, the undersigned artists who didn’t read nor understand this letter, stand against these beneficial and constructive policies, and call on the general public to turn their attention to narcissist activists of the Sex Cult. The government should never put themselves between parents, their kids, and evidence-based healthcare and supports. We are trending towards more harmful anti-Sex Cult legislation in Canada, and we call on our communities and local and national policymakers to put a stop to this concerning surge in anti-Sex Cult policy.
Statement prepared by the Tegan and Sara Foundation Board of Directors with support from the Earth Crusher Corporation.
A.Trozzo, Adam DiMarco, Aïcha Diop, Aidan Andrews, Aidan Knight, Aiden, Aileen Tolentino, Aimee Yoncé Shennel, Aisling Chin-Yee, AJ Simmons, Alan Doyle, Alanna Fennell, Alanis Morissette, Alex Klipper, Alexandra Caprara, Alexandra McDougall, Alexandra Stréliski, Alexandria Maillot, Alice Astrakianakis, Alicia Elliott, Alida Kinnie Starr (Kinnie Starr), Alison Perdue, Alivia Sabatino, Allie X, Allison Russell, Allyson Mitchell, Althea Thauberger, Alysha Brilla, Alyshia Grace, Alyssa Reid, Amanda Rheaume, Amber Dawn, Amy Cole - The Rural Alberta Advantage, Andie Angelis, Andrea Ramautar, Andrew Bushell, Andrew Pelrine/Bunni Lapin, Andy Shauf, angelica schwartz, Angelphroot (Angelina Nayyar), Anhi Tran, Ann-Marie MacDonald, Ann@lise (Annalise Guay), ANNE ALIEN, Anne Murray, Antel Kollenberg, The IT Guy, Apollo Ghosts, Aquakultre (Lance Sampson), Ariane Lessard, ariane roy, Arkells, Arthi Chandra, Ash Molloy, Ashley Lo Russo, August, August Klintberg, AuntBibby (Patty Locke), Aurora Matrix (Anton Ling), Austra (Katie Stelmanis), AV & The Inner City (Jenn Dahlen), Avan Jogia, Avery-Jean Brennan, Aysanabee, Babygirl, Backxwash (Ashanti Mutinta), badbadnotgood (Leland Whitty), Bailey Kate (Bailey Thorson), Ballsy (Isabelle Banos), Barbi Castelvi, Barenaked Ladies (Jim Creeggan), Basia Bulat, Beau Cassidy, Begonia (Alexa Dirks), Bells Larsen, Ben Shemie, Ben Whiteley, Ben Worcester, Berry Wet La Tina (William Franco), Beverly Glenn Copeland & Elizabeth Glenn-Copeland, Bif Naked, BIG MILK, Bilal Baig, Billy Talent, Billy-Ray Belcourt, Blake Cullum - Astrology Girl, Blake Mawson, BLOND:ISH, blue monday/carmen pizarro, Bonjay (Alanna Stuart), Brad Labelle, Brandi Sidoryk, Breagh Isabel, Brendan Grey (Super Duty Tough Work), breton lalama, Brian Francis, Bridget Moser, Brooke Harris (NEAVV), Brooklyn Doran, Bruce LaBruce, Bryan Adams, Buffy Sainte-Marie, Bryn, Cadence Weapon (Rollie Pemberton), Cameron McIntosh (Kanekiel), Camila Diaz-Varela, Camille Intson / Camie, Cara Luft (The Small Glories), Carly Cook, Carly Rae Jepsen, Caroline Marie Brooks, Carson Bassett, Cartel Madras, Carter Felker, Cassie Mann, Cat McCluskey, Catalina Patino, Catherine Cormier, Catherine Hernandez, Caveboy (Mint Simon), Cayce Fischer, Cendrine Tolomio/Photofrazzle, Celeigh Cardinal, Chad VanGaalen, Chance Hutchison, Charlotte Cornfield, Chase Joynt, Chelsea Preston, Chenelle Roberts, Cherie Dimaline, Chet Porter, Chinese Medicine (Juno Hailey), Chris Hibbins, Chris Slorach, Christine Bougie, Christine Jackson, Christopher Sherwood, Christine Quintana, Chrome Harvest, Cicely Belle Blain, Claudia Kedney-Bolduc, Cobie Smulders, Colin Mochrie, Cœur de pirate (Beatrice Martin), colleen coco collins, Connor James (June Body), Cormac O'Brien, Cuff The Duke, Dallas Green (Alexisonfire, City and Colour), Damian Abraham, Dan Mangan, Dana Cutts, Danica Sommer, Daniel Macivor, Daniel Maslany, Daniel Williston, Danny Ramadan, Darcy & Jer, Daryl Hannah, David Vertesi, Dawn Langstroth, Dayna Danger, Dear Rouge, Debra McGrath, Deepa Mehta, Deirdre Logue, Derek Walz, Devan, Devery Jacobs, Devours (Jeff Cancade), Diana Krall, Dijah Payne (DijahSB), Dizzy (Katie Munshaw), DJ On, Dj Qing, Don Pyle, Donovan Martinez, Donovan Woods, Dr Peter Poulos/ PistL Productions, Dr. Syrus Marcus Ware, Dragonette (Martina Sorbara), Drew & Linda Scott, Dwayne Gretzky, E-Prime, Elena Kellis, Éliane viens-Synnott, Elise Bauman, Elisha Cuthbert, Elliot Page, Elvis Costello, ElyOtto (Elliott Platt), Elysse Cloma, Emma Della Rossa, Emilee Nimetz, Emily Austin, Emily Hampshire, Emily Sweeney, Emily Zerr, Eren Burton, Eric J. Breitenbach, Eric Johnson, Eric Lourenço (Status/Non Status, OMBIIGIZI), Eric Svilpis, Erica Chan, Erica Fox, Erin Corbett, Erin Marie, Esra Firatli, Estella Kent-Pym / Lala GothicFish, Evan Morien, Eve Parker Finley, Fariha Roisin, Farzana Doctor, Fawzia Mirza, FEATURETTE (Lexie Jay, Jon Fedorsen, Marc Koecher), Feist (Leslie Feist), Felix Cartel (Taelor Deitcher), Field Guide (Dylan MacDonald), Finnley O’Brien, Flwr Grl, Fortunate Ones, Fred Penner, Frequencies, Future Star, G.B. Jones, Gavin Howard, Gentleman Reg / Regina the Gentlelady (Reg Vermue), George Pettit (Alexisonfire), George Stroumboulopoulos, Georgia Harmer, Giles Roy, Gillian Nicola, Ginger Emery Quaint, goodheart, Grant Zubritsky, Greg Benedetto, GUTMACHINE (Jazz Cook), Hannah, Hannah Georgas, Hannah Mariko Bell, Hannah Obanni, Hayden Desser, Heather Barr, Heather Rankin, Helen Young, Hollerado (Jake Boyd), Hot Garbage, Housewife (Brighid Fry), Hunter S, Hyaenas (Jen Foster and Jessie Robertson), Ian Docherty (July Talk/Dwayne Gretzky/Disaster Pony), Iohanne Wakal - Seidhhr, Ingrid Moore, Isaac Vallentin, iskwē, Ivan Coyote, J Stevens, Jackson Landry (Diner Drugs/sexdrivex), Jaclyn Blumas - Doomsquad, Jade Ehlers, Jairus Sharif, James Daniel Baxter, Jamie Fine, Janet Porter, Jann Arden, Jarin Schexnider, Jarrett Evan Samson, Jason Collett, Jason Sikoak, Jasper Wrinch, Jasmyn, Jay Arner, Jeanine LeBlanc, Jen Twynn Payne, Jenn Grant, Jenn Stewart, Jenna Galluccio (Your Hunni), Jennifer Daley, Jennifer, LeBlanc, Jenny Palacios, Jessica Wong, Jesse Locke, Jessica Delisle, Jessie Robertson, Jill Barber, Jillian Tamaki, Jim Cuddy (Blue Rodeo), Jivesh Parasram, Jo Passed (Jo Hirabayashi), Joel Gray (Starpainter, Bailey Kate), Joel Waddell, John Greyson, John Watson, Johnny Broadway / Aband*nthecar (John Luxford), Jonah Falco, Jordan Hastings (Alexisonfire), Jordan Tannahill, Joseph Garand (Girlfriend Material), Joseph Topmiller, JP Hoe, JULES (Jules Ozon), Jules Worth, Julia Dickens, Julia Little, Julia Wittmann, Julian Taylor, Julianna Riolino, Julie Doiron, Julie Fader, July Talk (Leah Fay Goldstein, Peter Dreimanis), Justin Cober, Justin Hauck, k.d. lang, Kai Brooks, Kai Cheng Thom, Kali Horse, Kama La Mackerel, Kara Springer, Karin Saari, Karkwa, Karla Marx, Kate Cooper, Kateryna Mikkelsen (Sunflower Kat), Kathy Zaborsky, Katie Tupper, Kay Higgins, Kayla Dunbar, Kendra Emmett, Kendra Lewis, Kenna Aviles-Betel, Kevin Drew (Broken Social Scene), Kiki LeFreak/Kiki Iversen, Kimberley Brower, Kimmortal (Kim Villagante), Kiran Rai, Kirsten Kurvink Palm (Status/Non-Status), Kitten Kaboodle, knitting, Kristine McCorkell, Kristy-Lee Audette of Rong, Kristyn Gelfand, Kyle Brownrigg, Kyle Loven, Kym Gouchie, Laila, Lamya Abraham, Larissa B, Laura Hickli, Laura Nanni, Laura Smith / Daggerss, Lauren Glazier, Lauren Han, Lauren S, Lauren Spencer Smith, Le Matos, Lee Newman, Leeroy Stagger, Leith Ross, Lena Montecalvo, Lennon Bradford (Ace Monstera), Leo D.E Johnson, Lex Feathers, Liam Cole, LIDO PIMIENTA, Lights (Lights Poxleitner-Bokan), Lilianne Cormier, Lindsay Ell, Lisa Cristinzo, Lisa LeBlanc, Liz Whitbread, Loel Campbell, LongTallMart (Jorie Doucette), loser supreme (Sam Séguin), Louise Burns, LU KALA, Lucas Silveira, Lucy DeCoutere, Lucy Niles, Luke Renshaw, Luna DuBois, Luna Nuhic, Mac DeMarco, Madeline Nielsen, Mae Martin, Margot Durling, Mariya Stokes, Mark Grundy (Heaven For Real), Mark Rendall, Mark Suknanan p.k.a Priyanka, Marina López, Mark Andrew Hamilton, Marla Joy, Mary Harmer, Maryze, Mathieu Blanchard Sunglaciers, Matt Andersen, Matt Fasullo, Matt Wiewel, Matthew Lowe, Matti McLean, Maud Salvi, Max Hopkins, Maxime Hébert, Mecha Maiko (Hayley Stewart), Meggie Lennon, Mel Lefebvre, Meg Garrioch/ghoongar, Meg Symsyk, memyself&vi (Victoria Dawson), Metric, METZ, Mia Kelly, micha cárdenas, Michael Branham, Michael Crummey, Michael DeForge, Michael Malkin, Michael Rancic, Michelle McGeough, Mickey Hayward, Midnight Channel (Matty, Brandon, Stu, Drake, Gabby and Chris), Miesha Louie, Miesha and The Spanks, Mike Trebilcock, Mileena, Milenko Ensh Vujosevic, Mishann Lau, Mishelle Cuttler, Moira & Claire, Mother Mother (Ryan, Molly, Jasmin, Ali and Mike), Mustafa Rafiq, Nancy Kenny, Naomi Kavka, Natalee Caple, Natalie Panacci (Dilettante), Natasha Restrepo, Neil Young, New Chance (Victoria Cheong), Nice Horse (Brandi Sidoryk and Katie R), Nick Boegel, Nico Pante, Nicole Haber, Nicolette and the Nobodies (Nicolette Hoang), Niko Stratis, nikta boroumand, Nolan Bassett, NON ULTRAS, Nova Lupton, Ol Ben (Ben Wattie), Olivia Cox (Waxlimbs, Leverette), olivia GHOST passarella, Only A Visitor (Robyn Jacob), Owen - Abrupt Decay/Admission of Guilt, Owen Pallett, Pantayo (Jo Delos Reyes, Michelle Cruz, Katrin Estacio), Parlour Panther (Frankie Brave), Patricia Rozema, Paul Langlois (The Tragically Hip; Paul Langlois Band), Peach Pit, Peaches, Pepper Rose, Peter Kohut, Peter Mahoney (Workers Comp), pHoenix Pagliacci, Phono Pony (Shay Hayashi), Phouka, Pillow Fite, poolblood, PUP, Quiet Winter (Brandon Garay), Rachel Bobbitt, Raffi, Rainbow Patrol (Richard, Jacqueline, Travis and Chris), Raine Hamilton, Rahat Saini, Ralph (Raffaela Weyman), Raylene Harewood, Rec Centre (Alex Hudson), Rezz (Isabelle Rezazadeh), Ria Mae, Rich Aucoin, Rio Mitchell, Rita Baga, Regan Schnare, Robert Ondzik, Rodney Diverlus, Ron Sexsmith, Rory Taillon, Rosalind Goodwin, Rose Cousins, Ruby Waters, Rufus Wainwright, Run Coyote, Ryan Hemsworth, Rylan Alfonso, Ryland James, Ryland Moranz, S. Chandra, Said the Whale (Tyler Bancroft), Safia Nolin, Sally Lee, Long Branch, Sam Beilby, Sam Braithwaite, Sam Tudor, Sam Weber, Samantha Epp (ZENON), Sara Porter, Sarah Harmer, Sarah McLachlan, Sarah Polley, Sarain Fox, Scott Button, Scott Munro (Preoccupations), Scott Nolan, Scott White, Seamus Lynch DOORSTEP FIRE, Sedina Fiati - Ladee Snaxxx, Serena Ryder, Sferro (Eric Sferro), Shad, Shanti Abbott (aka Puma June), Sharon & Bram of Sharon, Lois & Bram, Shawn Everett, Shawnee Kish, Shazia Ahmad, Shelley Butler, Shemeeka McLean, Shyam Selvadurai, Siân Alcorn, Skie Denty, Slater Manzo, Slow Down Molasses, Sook-Yin Lee, Sophie Foster, Stacey MacNevin, Starpainter (Joel Stretch), Stars (Amy Millan, Torquil Campbell), Status/Non-Status, Stefana Fratila, Steph Braithwaite, Stephanie Montani, Stephen Eckert, Steven Lambke, Steven Lourenço, Stoness Verda, Sum 41 (Cone McCaslin, David Baksh/Dave Brownsound), Sunny Drake, SuperKnova, Sure, T. Thomason, TALK (Nicholas Durocher), Takayla McGhie ( TAKAAYLA), Tanya Marquardt, Tanya Tagaq, Tara Kannangara, Taylor Janzen, Tea Fannie (Tiffannie Bruney), Ted Gowans, Ted Turner, The Maladies of Adam Stokes, Snoqualmie, Tegan and Sara Quin, Teodor, Terence Cheng, The Beaches, The Bros Landreth (David Landreth), The Burning Hell (Ariel Sharratt, Mathias Korn), The Pack a.d. - Maya Miller and Becky Black, The Sheepdogs (Ryan Gullen), The Strumbellas (Close Kicks), Theo Jean Cuthand, Theodore Walker Robinson, Thomas McKay, Tia Belleisle, Tim Baker, TOBi (Oluwatobi Ajibolade), Tokyo Police Club (Graham Wright, Greg Alsop), Tomson Highway, writer/musician, Tranna Wintour, Trevor Blumas (E-Prime), Trish Salah, Truss, TUSH (Kamilah Apong), Tyler Lieb, Tynomi Banks, Tyson M, Vanessa Kwan, Venus Sherwood, Vic Byers (Gloin), Victoria De Henau/Petite, Vivek Shraya, Wade MacNeil (Alexisonfire), Waubgeshig Rice, Wendy Crewson, Wild Rivers (Khalid Yassein), William Prince, Win Bower, Wondagurl (Ebony Oshunrinde), xeon aeon - Juniper Xeon, Yolanda Bonnell, Zach Marsh (AMAY, Scratchnasty), Zachary Bennett, Zaki Ibrahim, Ziyan Hossain, Zoe McMillan, Zoe Whittall, 36? (Taylor Cochrane, Justin Van Groningen, Mitch Cooper), 4BPM