I guess this marks the end of the old me, or young me and the beginning of new, old me. The quality of that sentence seems to sum things up in regards to my thought process. As you can see, I’ve decided to make the transition from “artist with cool made-up name” to artist with regular name. I can’t lie, I’ve struggled with this problem for a long time now. In the beginning I used to conceal my real identity by wearing a mask in photos or videos out of concern I’d be pursued for my graffiti. It was fun to play a character of my own design, but I soon realized how corny it was trying to give serious answers to honest questions while wearing a box on my head. I also realized that by choosing to show my face, I couldn’t as easily make work that I wasn’t fully prepared to explain, especially to my harshest critic: myself. By choosing to sign my work and be known publicly by my real name, I am pushing myself to be more honest with my work and what I’m trying to accomplish with it.
Don’t worry, Earth Crusher isn’t dead, but in an effort to become less repetitive, I’ve decided to start a project in a new medium I haven’t yet ventured in but always wanted to try. I’ve been stumbling through the process of writing a comic book or graphic novel which will feature a story or two and lots of satirical advertisements. It will hopefully be a laugh riot. I haven’t written this much since CEGEP and it was never a joy to do in the past to be honest, but now that I have a new goal, I am dead set on writing some good stories for you kids! I don’t have a lot of patience for overly serious/self important absurdity, so whenever my story veers into that ditch I start over. I think I’ve started over about 88 times now, but I think I have something pretty good. Now it’s just a matter of translating a written story into a drawn story, but how much should be drawn in words, and how much should be told in images? I am yet to discover. I hope you’ll follow along as I make my way to my goal, in fact, I could probably use your help along the way. I’ll be sharing my steps here on this site and I always welcome comments and critique.
Here’s to new beginnings.